Announcements for Sunday, October 17, 2021

Announcements for Sunday, October 17, 2021

Sermon By Pastor Paul Johnson: John 13:18-38 Love Over Weakness

Hope to see you at church! What you need to know:

  1. Screen yourself, if you think you may be sick please keep others safe by joining via video
  2. Face masks are no longer required.
  3. We are still streaming online! ( or our website (

LHC Youth Group October 29th 7pm at the Hill’s house

Sunday November 14th we’ll be road tripping to La Crosse, to Coulee Rock Church to join their service and pack food to send down to Venezuela.

Marriage event – Friday evening, November 19th

Sunday November 21st we’ll be meeting at 125 Live for a special pre-Thanksgiving service and pot luck.

It’s that time of year again. Time to start thinking about Operation Christmas Child and filling those shoe boxes! Empty boxes will be on the table in the back of the sanctuary starting this Sunday. Come pick one up, fill it and bring it back to church on or before Sunday, November 14th.