'David' Tagged Posts
New Series – David: After God’s Heart in Samuel and Psalms
In God’s word he describes David as a man after his heart. Let’s spend some time looking at the heart of David through his story in the books of 1st and 2nd Samuel and his writings in Psalms. I think we’ll see a rare humility, obedience, and faith that will challenge and encourage us. Join us on Sunday!
Who do you go to for help?
So David fled and escaped and went to Samuel at Ramah and told him everything Saul had done to him. Then he and Samuel left and stayed at Naioth. — 1 Samuel 19:18 (CSB) We need help. Doing life isolated and alone is unwise at best and deadly at worst. But, who you run to for help is also really important. Do you go to someone who always agrees with you and just pacifies you in your place of trouble?…