Neighborhood Connection Days ’24

Neighborhood Connection Days ’24

Connection Days is our way of serving the neighborhood around Manor Park. God calls us to love our neighbors so we’re taking action.

On Friday and Saturday August 2nd and 3rd we’re offering daytime kids activities, evening events, and service projects.

Day time kids activities: (both days) Crafts/painting, bubbles, kickball, spike ball, yard Yahtzee, giant Jenga, soccer
10am – 12pm and 1pm-4pm

Evening Events:
Friday 6pm-7pm – Free kids Olympics – bag race, water toss, jump rope etc. Pet Parade, snacks and root beer floats.

Saturday 6pm-8pm – Free family carnival, booths, games, prizes, bounce house, carnival food and sweet treats, etc.

Service Projects: We’d like to lend a hand to any projects you might have.

  • Yard clean up and weeding
  • Window and siding washing
  • Car washing – if you provide water
  • Gutter cleaning, pressure washing, etc.

Contact us with your projects: or (507) 722-1198. We may also stop by and check in the day of.