David: A Man After God’s Heart?
The end of David’s life is filled with sin and destruction. How could such a man be called a man after God’s own heart?
2 Samuel 13-18 – David and Absalom
Untended roots of sin bear fruit that destroys David’s family and nearly the kingdom of Israel.
David: David’s Descent
Learn how to find forgiveness and faithfulness from one of the most heartbreaking and tragic stories of the Bible.
David: Time to Build
As God establishes David’s reign, he wants to do something great for God in return. But God has an amazing answer for him.
David: Dance
We can learn a lot from David’s example, good and bad, as he moves God’s Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. Don’t worry- we’re not going to make you dance.
David: Begin Again
David pulls through another tough season of life and has a chance to start over in some ways. Let’s take a look at what he might have been thinking in Psalm 101 and how it can help us as we begin another new year.
David: The Blessing and the Curse
David finally receives the promised blessing of the kingship. But it may not have come in the way he envisioned.
It’s Almost Here! Can you believe it?
Christmas seems to come faster every year. It takes more than presents to celebrate. To find joy, God asks us to believe some amazing things.
David: Afraid and Unafraid
We all have times when we’re afraid. Let’s take a look at a time David was afraid and what he did to overcome that fear. I believe that we can learn much from his example.