Sermon Series: World Changing Acts
Acts 4:1-22 You Can’t Arrest a Revolution
We continue into Acts this week with the account of Peter and John arrested for healing a man and proclaiming Jesus. They rejected the authority of the religious and refused to be silenced. What motivated this reaction? Let’s talk about this example and what it means today.
Pastor Paul Johnson
Somali Community – April 2nd
We are collecting non-perishable food items to distribute to the Somali community as an Easter outreach. If you would like to donate, please bring in non-perishable food items to church by April 2nd. We will be distributing the food and praying for the Somali community on April 5th. Please be praying for receptive hearts and good conversations as we seek to serve this community in Rochester.
Good Friday Service – April 7th
Join us at 7 pm on April 7th at the Empire Event Center for a worship and communion service in remembrance of Good Friday.
Biblical Parenting Conference – May 5th – 6th
Join us as we turn our attention on how to biblically parent our children. Steve and Kathleen Nelson, authors of Premeditated Parenting, will encourage and equip parents in raising children who have a passion for God and a heart for people. Cost of Conference: $49/couple + $5/Child needing childcare.
Helping Hands
Something broken around the house and you don’t want or can’t afford to call a repairman? Volunteers are standing by to help. Call David Coleman 507-254-2126 for more information.