Announcements for Sunday, May 16 2021

Announcements for Sunday, May 16 2021

Sermon By Pastor Charlie Meyer: John 3:1-21 Spiritual Birth

Hope to see you at church! What you need to know:

  1. Screen yourself, if you think you may be sick please keep others safe by joining via video
  2. Face masks are required! Wearing a face mask not only protects you, but also those around you.
  3. We are still streaming online! ( or our website (

May 23rd Pastor Enzo Palumbo will be here to share an update on living for Christ in Venezuela, following the church service.
May 31st 3pm-7pm Connection Day Picnic at Foster Arends. We will be offering the opportunity for baptisms. If you have any questions or are interested in getting baptized, please contact a pastor. Charlie: 952-457-2651 Paul: 515-231-7838

June 11-12 Camping at Rice Lake State Park

June 26: Service project

August 5-7th Summer Connection Days (Activities on Thursday and Friday evenings and all day Saturday)