Announcements: January 19, 2025

Announcements: January 19, 2025

Sermon Series

DavidAfter God’s Heart in Samuel & Psalms

2 Samuel 7 – Time to Build

As God establishes David’s reign, he wants to do something great for God in return.  But God has an amazing answer for him.

Pastor Charlie Meyer

Upcoming Events

Winter Potluck: January 19th
Join us for a potluck after the service on January 19th! Bring a main dish and a side dish or dessert to share, and we’ll enjoy a meal and fellowship together. Paper products and water/lemonade will be provided.
Men’s Game Night: January 25th
Guys, invite a friend and join us for a game night on Saturday, January 25th at the Johnson’s house (5632 Salem Rd Ct SW) starting at 5 pm. The evening will include dinner as well as a variety of board games and card games. RSVP for the event with this form.

Building Purchase Agreement:
We have signed a purchase agreement for the building at 3342 19th St NW! We are currently in the process of navigating inspections and financial contingencies, but Lord willing, we will close on the building on or before February 15th! Praise God for His faithfulness in bringing us to this point! 
Building Transition Team:
In light of our expected building purchase, we need a team of people to help manage our transition into the new space! If you would like to help with organizing and directing this process, please let Paul Johnson ( know!