Sermon Series: Light
1 John 5:1-9: Reality Check
As John winds up his letter he outlines the proof of being in the faith.
Pastor Charlie Meyer
Help Honduras Mission Trip – January 22nd
We will be taking an offering on January 22nd to raise money to buy medical supplies for the upcoming mission trip. Estimates for medical supplies are $1000 – $1500. Checks can be placed in the offering box made out to Living Hope with Missions Fund in the memo field.
Men’s Game Night – February 3rd
Hey men, let’s connect! Join us February 3rd, 6 pm at Paul’s house for a tournament of champions! We will feast on chili and cornbread then battle it out with various board games and cards. Please bring your favorite games. Finally, please invite your friends! Sign up here:
Bag Lunch Talk – February 12th
Pack a lunch or grab some take-out and join us after the service on February 12 for a bag lunch talk starting at noon. Paul will be speaking on the topic of music in the church.
Church Potluck – February 19th
Join us for a potluck right after the service on 2/19. This is just a chance for us to spend time in fellowship together! Bring a main dish and a side or dessert to share.
Fusion Conference: The teachings from the Fusion Conference are now online ( ). Some great teachings to help start the new year off right.