Sermon Series: Life Changing Acts
Acts 10:17 – 11:18 Paradigm Shift
God helps the young church come to grips with the greatness of his plan, but it requires a lot of leading. Big changes are hard for everyone.
Pastor Charlie Meyer
Church on the Road – July 16th
Due to a schedule conflict at the Empire Event Center, we will be at the Wood Lake Meeting Center (210 Wood Lake Drive SE, Rochester) on Sunday July 16th for our 10 am Sunday morning service. No Childcare or Sunday school provided on this date due to the special location.
Door Hangers For Connection Days: July 29th
We want to promote the neighborhood events we’ll be doing for Connection Days! Join us on Saturday, July 29th at 9 am at Manor Park (4238 Manor Park Dr NW) to put up door hangers in the area!
Connection Days: August 3rd-5th
Join us for our annual mission trip to our city, August 3-5! This year we will have a focus on neighborhood outreach in the Manor Park area. We will be together on Thursday evening from 6:30-8pm, and all day on Friday and Saturday. The cost will be $35 per person for adults and teens ($10 per child ages 6-12, free for kids 0-5), which includes breakfast/lunch/dinner on Friday and Saturday.
Please consider taking the time to join us! Sign up here: