Sermon Series: Life Changing Acts
Acts 8: 1-25: A Church Unleashed
The heat is turned up against the fledgling church. What will become of the pieces as the church is broken and scattered?
Pastor Charlie Meyer
Bag Lunch Talk: Preserving Biblical Manhood – May 21st
Pack a lunch and join us at noon on May 21st for a Bag Lunch Talk on Biblical Manhood. Both men and women are invited for the discussion.
Memorial Day Picnic – May 29th
Join us for food and fellowship at our annual Memorial Day Picnic. We’ll be at Foster-Arends park under the shelter starting at 4pm on May 29th (usually we eat around 5). Bring a main dish and a side dish to share. Water and tableware is provided.
Sunday Treats
Thank you to all who have been bringing delicious treats each Sunday morning. You are appreciated! It is that time again to volunteer and sign up. Please contact Cheryl Coleman (507-358-9502, ) to sign up.