Announcements: November 26th, 2023

Announcements: November 26th, 2023

Sermon Series: World Changing Acts

Imitation Christianity
Acts 20:1-16

Pastor Charlie Meyer

Upcoming Events

Women’s Christmas Tea: December 2
Ladies, invite a friend and join us for our annual Christmas Tea from 2:30-4:30 pm on Saturday, December 2nd.  The theme this year is “Christmas Traditions.”  The event will be held at True Life Church, 2204 22nd St NW, Rochester.  Cost is $5 for Living Hope attenders and free for guests. Volunteers are needed to decorate tables for the event. Contact Roxanne Meyer ( if you would like to host a table by bringing decorations and tableware. Please register ahead of time here.

Fusion Conference: December 27-29
Each year Living Hope joins together with other churches from around the Midwest for the Fusion Conference at the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells.  The Fusion conference features excellent teaching, worship, and opportunities for fellowship.  More information at