Announcements for Sunday, Aug. 9, 2020

Announcements for Sunday, Aug. 9, 2020

Sermon by Paul Johnson- James 4:6-10 -We must be humble

New Life Family Services Fundraiser
Thanks to your generosity, we absolutely smashed our goal! Living Hope Church donated $2050 which put us on the list of top donors. God was pleased.

Parent Notice
Creative Stars has notified us that due to Covid 19 we are not to use any of their toys or other items, including the playground. Please instruct your children and monitor their conformance to this request.

Save the Date for Living Hope’s Summer Connection Days – August 12-16:
Remember to sign up for Connection days here:

Hope to see you at church! What you need to know:

  1. Screen yourself, if you think you may be sick please keep others safe by joining via video
  2. Face masks are required! Wearing a facemask not only protects you, but also those around you.
  3. Childcare will not be provided, but we will have a family room with a TV streaming the service where parents can bring blankets with children who may be disruptive.
  4. We are still streaming online! ( or our website (