Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. — Romans 12:2 (CSB)
We all want to be (or at least should want to be) better versions of ourselves. God has created us in his likeness and to do good works (Genesis and Ephesians).
But, we get stuck, a lot. Changing is hard.
It’s a good thing that God helps us change into what he wants us to be.
I love Romans 12 because it’s a turning point in the book between the first 11 chapters as God tells us who we are and the next several chapters as God tells us what we’re supposed to do.
This is the link.
God changes us. He transforms us as we renew our minds in his truth.
So, you’re struggling to change. Aren’t we all?!
Let’s pray and ask God for help but then, let’s dive into the truth of his word and allow it to renew our minds. Then we’ll see transformation. It may not be all at once, in fact it’ll probably be just a little at a time. But, we will be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
We can do this renewal daily through reading the Bible, meditation, memorization and prayer.
God also has a chance to do this at our retreat this weekend and at church on Sunday as we gather as a church. Let’s get ready to be renewed!