Look up the word merry and it means cheerful. Wishing someone a “Merry Christmas” is a good thing and something I try to do as often as possible this time of year. But to be honest, it can be a rather tired phrase.
Yet, to truly have a cheerful Christmas I think we need a reason to be cheerful. All of those people talking about having a reason for the season are on to something.
When I reflect on the miracle of Jesus come to earth and the unfolding plan of God I can’t help but join with Simeon praising God:
For my eyes have seen your salvation. You have prepared it in the presence of all peoples — a light for revelation to the Gentiles and glory to your people Israel. — Luke 2:30-32 (CSB)
So, when I wish you “Merry Christmas” my hope, my prayer is that you would hear more than just “be cheerful at this time of year” but instead there would be more there. Circumstantial cheer is good but is rather shallow. Deep cheer comes from a certainty that God is in control.
God has prepared salvation for those who believe! Praise God, all glory to him in this season and all year long!