'teaching' Tagged Posts
New Series: World Changing Acts
After seeing Jesus alive on that first Easter, the minds of his followers were racing with anticipation. In a stunning act, God had sacrificed His Son and then He had risen from the dead as LORD. Surely this would open the way for an act of God unlike any the world had seen. What happened next, no one saw coming. But it changed the world. We’ll be working our way through the book of Acts on Sunday mornings. Look for examples…
In the Beginning
Charlie kicks off a new series this Sunday- In the Beginning. We’re going to bounce back and forth spending several weeks in Genesis and then several in Matthew. Should be fantastic! See you there! Join us 10am Sundays at Schaeffer
New Series: 1st Peter
Are you facing trials in your life? Do you long for hope? Many times we say, “I don’t want this.” “This is an inopportune time for a trial.” “Lord, can I have this another time?” However, God has a plan for us in the trials of life. Our biggest need is to trust God. Join us as we dig into what the Word of God says in 1 Peter chapter 1 about the living hope that can be found in…
Parenting Training Camp pt 2
Coming up fast is Parenting Training Camp pt 2! Evergreen pastor Eric Cram and his wife Kathy will be presenting this free workshop on Saturday July 21 at Schaeffer Academy 8:30 – 12:00. Childcare will be provided. Email info@discoverlivinghope.com for more details
Sundays at Schaeffer!
Living Hope Church is moving to Sundays at Schaeffer! 2700 Schaeffer Lane NE, Rochester (Near Century High School off of Viola and E Circle Dr) We’ve loved our time at Crossroads College but the time has come to get a spot for Sunday mornings. After a longer search than we expected we connected with the great people at Schaeffer Academy. They have worked out a great rental agreement with us and we’ve taken a couple Sunday mornings to work out…