'worship' Tagged Posts

'worship' Tagged Posts

How Wonderful!

The leaves are changing on the tree in my backyard already. Green is becoming golden yellow, blazing orange and flaming red. I really love all the seasons that we get around here and fall seems like a return to the riot of colors that we get in spring. Creation sure is wonderful in its color and variety! God has made it to be enjoyed and we should enjoy it but give glory to the one who made it. All of…

Sundays at Schaeffer!

Living Hope Church is moving to Sundays at Schaeffer! 2700 Schaeffer Lane NE, Rochester (Near Century High School off of Viola and E Circle Dr) We’ve loved our time at Crossroads College but the time has come to get a spot for Sunday mornings. After a longer search than we expected we connected with the great people at Schaeffer Academy. They have worked out a great rental agreement with us and we’ve taken a couple Sunday mornings to work out…