'church' Tagged Posts

'church' Tagged Posts

Reopening Sunday!

Update: As of March 22nd we are expanding our childcare. Please see our plan for kids here. Now that the Governor has allowed churches to meet, we are planning on resuming in person services this coming Sunday (5/31) at 10am! In accordance with the Governor’s requirements we have taken the steps listed below for mitigating the spread of Covid – 19 Virus.  We understand that people have different levels of comfort with potential exposure.  Because of this, some people will find this…

Mega Mission 2018

Mega Mission – Thursday, July 26 – Sunday, July 29, 2018 We are excited to do our own Mega Mission and to be partnered with Evergreen Church in the Twin Cities for this short-term mission trip for the whole family! -Thursday, July 26th:  Kickoff meeting at Foster Arends Park (4051 E River Rd NE, Rochester, MN) at 7:00 p.m. -Friday, July 27th:  Spend the day on Mission at Evergreen Church in Lakeville (16165 Kenwood Trail, Lakeville, MN) -Saturday, July 28th:  Invite the Rochester community…

Parenting Training Camp pt 2

Coming up fast is Parenting Training Camp pt 2! Evergreen pastor Eric Cram and his wife Kathy will be presenting this free workshop on Saturday July 21 at Schaeffer Academy 8:30 – 12:00.  Childcare will be provided. Email info@discoverlivinghope.com for more details

Sundays at Schaeffer!

Living Hope Church is moving to Sundays at Schaeffer! 2700 Schaeffer Lane NE, Rochester (Near Century High School off of Viola and E Circle Dr) We’ve loved our time at Crossroads College but the time has come to get a spot for Sunday mornings. After a longer search than we expected we connected with the great people at Schaeffer Academy. They have worked out a great rental agreement with us and we’ve taken a couple Sunday mornings to work out…