'good friday' Tagged Posts

'good friday' Tagged Posts

Good Friday and Easter

Today we celebrate Good Friday and look forward to Easter. This time of year should easily be bigger than Christmas as we remember Christ’s death and resurrection. God’s plan throughout the ages, from creation, the fall, through the nation of Israel, the law and the prophets all comes together at this point in history. God becoming the man Jesus is a big deal. But, how much more so Jesus dying a sinner’s death and then being raised from the dead by the…

What do we do now?

Yesterday morning I received an email update on my myPanera coffee subscription. A month ago I purchased unlimited coffee for $9 thinking that I have several meetings a week with people in coffee shops and I could save some cash if I consolidated them to Panera. In addition I’d have opportunity to be at the same place regularly and meet random people and workers which would therefore give me a chance to build relationships with those outside my circle. What…