Thoughts on the Virus

Thoughts on the Virus

Here we go folks! Corona virus has come to Rochester!  
But, we’d like to encourage you to do what you should always do: Trust God and Love People.

Therefore we will not be afraid, though the earth trembles and the mountains topple into the depths of the seas,
Psalm 46:2 (CSB)

God expects that his children will trust in him in the face of any danger he allows.  And that trusting in him will allow us to love him and those around us whatever comes. Also, we are to live by the law of love. We are never given an exception to this rule.

Do not owe anyone anything, except to love one another, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.  — Romans 13:8 (CSB)

Love others by washing your hands.

If you think the virus is scary: Don’t give in to fear and distance yourself from people unnecessarily. Be wise but still reach out to others via phone, text, video or other ways. Show others love even if you’re concerned.

If you think the virus is silly: Don’t mock or be flippant about it. Love others by being sensitive to their concerns and respectful of their desires.
If you’re feeling sick: Love others by staying home.

If you’re at the store or out around town and others are getting agitated: Be a peacemaker in whatever way you can.

If you know someone else who is staying home: reach out to them and see if there is a way you can serve them. They may not want or need help but let’s offer help as often as we can.

What is Living Hope doing?
We’re going to keep meeting unless the government tells us not to. If they do, we’ll meet as small groups or through video.
We’re going to take precautions like everyone else and we’ll strive to be wise and caring.

Our God is in control and he cares about you, me and this church. Let’s trust him and love others.