'coronavirus' Tagged Posts
Childcare during COVID
As of March 22nd, 2021 we have updated our childcare plan to this. Please feel free to read below on what our plan was before this current change. We want to see you on Sunday mornings. We know that many of you want to see us on Sunday mornings as well but the lack of childcare has made coming on Sundays impractical. So, after much consideration, prayer, and planning, we have decided to re-start childcare on Sunday mornings, starting on…
Reopening Sunday!
Update: As of March 22nd we are expanding our childcare. Please see our plan for kids here. Now that the Governor has allowed churches to meet, we are planning on resuming in person services this coming Sunday (5/31) at 10am! In accordance with the Governor’s requirements we have taken the steps listed below for mitigating the spread of Covid – 19 Virus. We understand that people have different levels of comfort with potential exposure. Because of this, some people will find this…
Thoughts on the Virus
Here we go folks! Corona virus has come to Rochester! But, we’d like to encourage you to do what you should always do: Trust God and Love People. Therefore we will not be afraid, though the earth trembles and the mountains topple into the depths of the seas,Psalm 46:2 (CSB) God expects that his children will trust in him in the face of any danger he allows. And that trusting in him will allow us to love him and those…