News (Page 28)

News (Page 28)

An Easter Thought

Judas vs Mary My family and I have developed an Easter tradition where we open a little box each day of Holy Week with an item in it that represents part of the story and we read the corresponding scripture. Yesterday the box held a miniature glass flask and we read a section of Mark. Here’s part of it:Mark 14:8-10She has done what she could; she has anointed my body in advance for burial.  Truly I tell you, wherever the…

We Are Free Indeed!

Galatians 5:1 For freedom, Christ set us free. Stand firm then and don’t submit again to a yoke of slavery. We have an incredible gift from God. Freedom. True Freedom! In America we think that we’re free but we our enslaved to our sinful desires, the evil world around us and our own man-made ways of coping with our guilt and shame. Jesus came that we would be set free from all that. That we would be free to live out…

Spring Conference

Join us for an all-church retreat on May 3-4, 2019! We’ll be together at Prairie River Camp (located just 90 minutes from Rochester) from 6:30pm on Friday until 5pm on Saturday. Our conference will include two meals (breakfast and lunch on Saturday), three teachings, and plenty of time for fun and fellowship. The cost is just $35 for adults and $26 for kids ages 4 and up! Visit our Eventbrite page to register, or email if you have questions.

Snow? What snow?

Blizzard conditions. Yep, we’d still love to be together but let’s stay home and connect with God from there. See you next Sunday!

The Gospel of the Kingdom

We’ve got a new series on the book of Matthew starting on Sunday – The Gospel of the Kingdom. I’m looking forward to it! See you there, Sunday, 10am at Schaeffer

Three Words of Hope

“God remembered Noah” These words say a lot about God but are easy to forget.  All through chapter 7 the Flood had raged upon the earth as the righteous judgement and wrath of the Creator poured over the earth.  Day after day Noah and his family had experienced nothing but the Flood getting worse and worse.  150 days.  Five months. Each day worse than the one before as the waters rose and the world was destroyed.  It had to seem…

Thoughts from the Shepherds #1

Charlie and I have long wanted to share the things that God has been teaching us on a more regular basis with Living Hope. I thought we’d give it a shot. We’ll see if we can keep up. I felt like this week would be an appropriate one to start with as the weather is keeping us apart. I hope these thoughts encourage you as they have encouraged me. James 1:2-4 Consider it a great joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever…