Sermons by Peter Steele
Living Hope Retreat: Gospel Paradigm in Seasons of Opportunity
In our third and final session for the weekend we discuss how we need to live like time is short, recognize we are image bearers of God and fulfill our unique and vital roles in saving our culture yet realize when it is time to withdraw to lonely places and pray.
Living Hope Retreat: Gospel Paradigm in the Dirt of Life
In our second session for the weekend we look at how we can see past expressed needs and out of love get into the dirt of life and address the real issue by being bold in our speech and marinating our hearts in the Word of God.
Living Hope Retreat: Gospel Paradigm in a 21st Century Life
In our first session for the weekend we take a look at how the gospel paradigm correctly rotates our concept of love, our priorities, and our beliefs that people don’t want to hear the gospel.