Did God Really Say
Did God Really Say – Love?
As we apply a Biblical worldview, we must contend with the command to love and what this means in a world that has its own version. If what we do is not perceived as love, then what?
Did God Really Say – How to love like God in our culture
Owning Gods truth in a hurting world?
Did God Really Say – God’s divine imprint in gender
Understanding the purpose of a plural complementarian God.
Did God Really Say – God’s View of Gender
How are we to live into who God made us?
Did God Really Say – What’s the Issue?
The reliability and trustworthiness of the Bible affects our trust in God and impacts how we live our life.
Did God Really Say – The Biblical Universe
The true history of the universe is an amazing story firmly anchored in space and time through mighty acts of God.
Did God Really Say – The Bible as the superior worldview source
As we talk about our worldview God’s word must take center stage. How trustworthy is it versus other sources of knowledge? Paul will talk this week about how God’s word takes first place from a personal perspective.
Did God Really Say – The Reality Issue
Our world has reached a crisis state in so many areas – personal as well as social. What is the cause of all the confusion? Pastor Charlie will explore how life changes when we no longer believe God has spoken.