Sermons on Church
They Had Elders – Acts 14:23
God had something vital for the early church that we can also take advantage of. Let’s talk about it on Sunday. See you there!
What Good is the Church? Life Worth Living
We look at what Jesus describes as life worth living — building and being built by the church!
What Good is the Church? It Reveals God!
Charlie starts of our “What Good is the Church” series with the root, God!
1 Thessalonians 2:13-20
Like a seed needs water to grow, we need God’s Word to permeate our hearts and bring life to our souls as we face persecution together with other believers. This week we look at what Paul writes in the second half of 1 Thessalonians, chapter 2 about soaking up God’s Word, believing the Bible is true and suffering for the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 1:4-10
Paul Johnson takes us through the apostle Paul’s opening remarks about the Thessalonians. Paul encourages the Thessalonians in what they have been doing then we learn how this applies to our lives.
Phase 1 wrap up
Paul Johnson leads us in wrapping up our phase 1 series. We hear from both Paul and Charlie as well as others.
DIG Series – Tim Borseth on the church part 3
The last of a three part series in which Tim Borseth visits from Decorah, IA to discuss what the church does, who the church is, and what motivates it.
DIG Series – Tim Borseth on the church part 2
The second of a three part series in which Tim Borseth visits from Decorah, IA to discuss what the church does, who the church is, and what motivates it.
DIG Series – Tim Borseth on the church part 1
The first of a three part series in which Tim Borseth visits from Decorah, IA to discuss what the church does, who the church is, and what motivates it.