Sermons on Daniel
Matthew 24: Are We There Yet
Do you ever feel like the end will never come? Are you longing for the return of Christ? This week we look at Matthew, chapter 24 to see what Jesus has to say about enduring to the end, His return and the hope we can have in Him.
The Gospel of the Kingdom – An intro to Matthew
There are two kingdoms; the kingdom of this world and the kingdom of God. This age will end when Jesus returns and the opportunity to change kingdoms will be gone. Which kingdom will you choose to chase after? This week we introduce our upcoming study of Matthew by discussing the choice we have of running after things of this world or the things of God.
The Coming of the Messiah: The story of Christmas
The world has taken Christ out of Christmas but the Bible tells us a different story. This week we begin a four week study of the Biblical story of Christmas.