Sermons on 2 Samuel

Sermons on 2 Samuel

David: Time to Build

As God establishes David’s reign, he wants to do something great for God in return. But God has an amazing answer for him.

David: Dance

We can learn a lot from David’s example, good and bad, as he moves God’s Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. Don’t worry- we’re not going to make you dance.

David: God With Us

David had a passionate confidence that God would be with him, no matter what. Lets look into how we can gain this same confidence.

David: After God’s Heart in Samuel & Psalms

In God’s word he describes David as a man after his heart. Let’s spend some time looking at the heart of David through his story in the books of 1st and 2nd Samuel and his writings in Psalms. I think we’ll see a rare humility, obedience, and faith that will challenge and encourage us.
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