Sermons from 2022 (Page 4)

Sermons from 2022 (Page 4)

A Father’s Glory

Father’s Day is about thanking Dads for all that they do. So, what do they do that’s worth thanking them for? Let’s talk about it Sunday! See you there!

Stay True: How Dare You? – Galatians 1:1-10

The book of Galatians is a real letter, written to real people about theology real enough to die for. It is a red hot passionate appeal to people Paul cared deeply about. He risked his life to bring these people the good news about Christ. He was not going to let them walk away without reminding them of what God had done for them and warn them about the gravity of their actions. As a result we have a wonderful…

Becoming Wise with Money

Does money stress you out? Do you work for a vacation that ends up being unfulfilling? Do you find yourself obsessing over your stuff? God says you don’t have to. He has a lot to say to us in his word about money. Let’s talk about Becoming Wise with Money.

Fearless Hope in a Frightened World

Many of our lives have been dramatically unsettled because of the coronavirus crisis. Suddenly we’ve all been reminded that we’re not in control. We see that our money isn’t dependable, our government isn’t capable of protecting us, and that severe illness or maybe even death is possible. What do we do when we feel fearful? What did Jesus mean when he told his disciples, “My peace I give to you… don’t let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” On Sunday,…

Life’s Biggest Question

There is one question that we all desperately want to know the answer to, but we are afraid to ask. Jesus’ whole life was dedicated to answering this question for us. This Easter, we will look at his surprising answer.