Sermons on Genesis (Page 2)
Gods sovereignty in sin : Genesis 27
Charlie Meyer talks about how God worked through Jacob and Esau in spite of the sin and rebellion that they commit.
Living Hope Retreat: Gospel Paradigm in Seasons of Opportunity
In our third and final session for the weekend we discuss how we need to live like time is short, recognize we are image bearers of God and fulfill our unique and vital roles in saving our culture yet realize when it is time to withdraw to lonely places and pray.
The Promised Son and the Sacrifice: Genesis 21-22
What do you put ahead of God in your life? Is it your kids, your hobbies, your time? The Lord asks us to lay those things before Him and make Him first in our lives. This week we look at Genesis chapters 21-22 to see the faith of Abraham when the Lord asked him to sacrifice his son and the faithfulness of our Lord to Abraham’s obedience.
Wandering in the Dark – Genesis 19-20
We are given a higher purpose to live for. God’s desire is for us to hold onto His purpose for our lives. Instead we often turn our backs on that purpose in order to fulfill our selfish desires. If we do not live for that higher purpose then we are no different than the world. This week we dig into the stories of Sodom and Gomorrah and Abraham and Abimelech in Genesis, chapters 19-20 to see the consequences of turning…
The Fruit of Faith
This week we continue our study in Genesis.
Believe God – Genesis 15-16
Often it is difficult to have faith in the promises of our Lord. We struggle to believe that what He has promised us will be fulfilled. This week in Genesis, chapters 15-16, we see Abram’s faith in the promises of the Lord and how God fulfills His promises to His people, including us.
Genesis 12-14
This week we look at the book of Genesis chapters 12-14 to begin studying the life of Abram, later called Abraham.
Genesis 9-11
Paul takes us through the next part of Genesis where the flood recedes, Noah comes off the ark. we also hear how people once again rebel against God by building a tower to make a name for themselves.
In the Beginning: Genesis 6-9
This week we continue our study through Genesis by looking at fossils and layers of rock to see evidence of creation through the flooding of the Earth in chapters 6-9.