1Peter 2018
1 Peter 4:7 – 5:14
From a worldly perspective suffering is seen as a negative thing but we as believers can rest assured that suffering is a blessing from God used to strengthen our faith in Him. As we wrap up our study on 1 Peter, we see that we can rely on the hope that we have in Christ and our fellowship with other believers to carry us through trials and to encourage us as we look forward to Christ’s return.
1 Peter 3:13-4:6
Join us as we learn about suffering according to God’s will. We will dive into Interpreting Peter’s words on suffering unjustly for Christ.
1 Peter 2:11-3:12
Paul takes us through 1 Peter applying Peter’s words to our lives today. He speaks on government, relationships at work, at home, and between husbands and wives.
1 Peter 1:13-2:9
God made us to live in light of eternity, Charlie pulls out of 1 Peter the implications of living in light of this.
1 Peter Chapter 1:1-12
Are you facing trials in your life? Do you long for hope? Many times we say, “I don’t want this.” “This is an inopportune time for a trial.” “Lord, can I have this another time?” However, God has a plan for us in the trials of this life. Our biggest need is to trust God. Join us as we dig into what the Word of God says in 1 Peter, chapter 1 about the living hope that can be found in…