Sermons by Charlie Meyer (Page 17)

Sermons by Charlie Meyer (Page 17)

Charlie is a founding pastor at Living Hope Church in Rochester, MN

The Kingdom Divide: Matthew 12

What God wants from us is to walk closely with Him. Often times we miss this. We think, “as long as I do this or that I’ll be ok” but God’s whole desire is that we walk humbly with Him. This week in Matthew, chapter 12, Jesus speaks strongly about a right relationship with Him.

Getting a Grip on God

What is your biggest fear in life? When you are gripped in life by those fears that own you, what will you do? Will you put your trust in the Lord? This week we take a look at the story of Jacob returning to his home and how he wrestled with God to face his biggest fear.

A Mess God Can Bless

Just like in Jacob’s life, our decisions often create a mess in our lives. In Genesis we see that even in the midst of the mess we can fully rely on the faithfulness of God.

Matthew 7: Striving For the Kingdom

What are your actions saying about your walk with Christ? Are you working hard everyday to put into practice all that Jesus taught? Life is hard. Will you be ready by building your life on Jesus and His truth? This week we look at what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 7 about following the Lord and living out a life that honors Him.

The Birth of Hope

This week we look at some of the lesser known stories of Easter that demonstrate why we can place our hope and trust in God and the gift He gave through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus.