Sermons on End Times
Matthew 24: Are We There Yet
Do you ever feel like the end will never come? Are you longing for the return of Christ? This week we look at Matthew, chapter 24 to see what Jesus has to say about enduring to the end, His return and the hope we can have in Him.
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
This week we wrap up our study on 1 Thessalonians by taking a look at what the Lord says through the apostle Paul about how to live with the end in sight and the good news we find in scripture in regards to the end times for believers.
1 Peter 4:7 – 5:14
From a worldly perspective suffering is seen as a negative thing but we as believers can rest assured that suffering is a blessing from God used to strengthen our faith in Him. As we wrap up our study on 1 Peter, we see that we can rely on the hope that we have in Christ and our fellowship with other believers to carry us through trials and to encourage us as we look forward to Christ’s return.