Sermons on John (Page 4)
A Thirsty Conversation : John 4:1-26
On a hot, dry day, Jesus barters with a woman to quench both of their thirsts and reveals to her the mystery of God.
Become Less : John 3:22-36
John shows us our place in the grand story is often not as big as we think it is. Let’s learn what it looks like to become less in our own eyes.
Spiritual Birth : John 3:1-21
Pastor Charlie Meyer restarts our series through the gospel of John.
Tear Down This Temple: John 2:13-25
Join us as Paul takes us through the next section in John.
Following the Lamb : John 1:35-2:12
Join us as Charlie continues our series on the gospel of John and how our response to Jesus determines everything.
A Prophet & The Lamb : John 1:19-34
Join us as Charlie continues our journey through John. This week we take a look at how John the Baptist laid the groundwork for the ministry of Jesus.Themes: Repentance, Sin, Hearing from God
Do you know this Jesus? : John 1:1-18
Join us as pastor Paul Johnson starts our new series on The Gospel of John. Join us as we learn about who Jesus was.
Getting a Grip on God
What is your biggest fear in life? When you are gripped in life by those fears that own you, what will you do? Will you put your trust in the Lord? This week we take a look at the story of Jacob returning to his home and how he wrestled with God to face his biggest fear.
Living Hope Retreat: Gospel Paradigm in Seasons of Opportunity
In our third and final session for the weekend we discuss how we need to live like time is short, recognize we are image bearers of God and fulfill our unique and vital roles in saving our culture yet realize when it is time to withdraw to lonely places and pray.